Background of this blog site We know there are several website and blog site which mention Meditasi Angka. Some of real which most were the personal effort of some supporter of Meditasi Angka but when they are not active again, then also the website not updated again. If you have been following Prabu before 2014, you will aware that Prabhu's official site cannot be accessed again. (Darmayasa-divine-love(dot)com). The web contains lots of Prabhu wisdom writing, stories, documentaries, and many more. So where was it? Yes, it's expired both domain and server. Sadly we did not know who took care of the website, become the admin and also paid the website during those time. There were some effort to build the new website, but maintains a website it's not an easy thing when it's related to time and administration (money , internet access and equipment) especially for non-profit community that mostly depends on donation from the member. The option then choose a fr